A4. 40th Symposium on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

October 3 - 7, 2011

SETI I: SETI Science and Technology
Tuesday, 4 October 2011, 10 AM, room TS-11


Coordinators: S Shostak (USA), C Maccone (Italy)
Chairs: HP Shuch (USA), S Shostak (USA) Rapporteur: C Oliver (Australia)


  1. Introduction to SETI Science and Technology, Prof. H. Paul Shuch, SETI League, United States
  2. Exploration Rather Than Speculation (Invited Pesek Lecture), Dr. Martin Dominick, University of St. Andrews, United Kingdom
  3. Large-Size Message Construction, Dr. Alexander Ollongren, Leiden University, Netherlands


SETI II: SETI and Society
Wednesday, 5 October 2011, 3 PM, room TS-11


Coordinators: S Shostak (USA), C. Maccone (Italy)
Chairs: A Antonites (South Africa), D Vakoch (USA)
Rapporteur: J Traphagan (USA)



  1. Expanding Human and Other Earth Life into the Universe (Invited Billingham Cutting-Edge Lecture), Dr. Pete Worden, NASA Ames Research Center, United States
  2. Universals in the Universe? Prof. Alex Antonites, SETI League, South Africa
  3. La Tierra Hable (Earth Speaks), Prof. Douglas Vakoch, SETI Institute and California Institute of Integral Studies, United States
  4. A Protocol for Messaging to Extraterrestrials, Ms. Julia DeMarines, International Space University, United States
  5. Influence of Works of Fiction on the Perceptions of SETI, Mr. Arjun Reddy, PES School of Engineering, India