A4. 39th Symposium on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

27 September - 1 October, 2010

SETI I: SETI Science and Technology
Wednesday morning, 29 September 2010, 10:15 AM, Room 41


Coordinators: S Shostak (USA), C. Maccone (Italy)
Chairs: S. Montegbugnoli (Italy), A. Ollongren (Netherlands)
Rapporteur: P. Shuch (USA)


  1. SETI Past, Present, and Future: 50 Years in 15 Minutes, H. Paul Shuch, SETI League, United States
  2. A SETI Search in the Anti-Solar Direction using the Allen Telescope Array, Seth Shostak, SETI Institute, United States
  3. Instrumentation and Methods for the Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence, Andrew Siemion, University of California, United States
  4. SETI Backends Made Inexpensive, Stelio Montebugnoli, National Institute for Astrophysics, Italy
  5. Technologies Driving SETI, Curtis Mead, Harvard University, United States
  6. A New Belt Beyond Kuiper's: a Belt of Focal Spheres Between 550 and 17,000 AU for SETI and Science, Claudio Maccone, International Academy of Astronautics, Italy
  7. A Multilevel Model of Interstellar Communication, Steve Trimberger, United States
  8. Large-Size Message Construction for ETI - Interpretation of Processes in Lingua Cosmica, Alexander Ollongren, Leiden University,The Netherlands
  9. Giant/Red-Dwarf Binaries: New SETI Targets and Implications for Interstellar Migration, Gregory L. Matloff, New York City College of Technology, United States
  10. Signatures of Universal Communication: Rhythm, Synchrony, and Temporal Patterns of Dolphin Communication as a Model, Denise Herzing, United States


SETI II: Interdisciplinary Aspects
Wednesday afternoon, 29 September 2010, 3:15 PM, Room 41


Coordinators: S Shostak (USA), C. Maccone (Italy)
Chairs: V. Kopal (Czech Republic), D. Vakoch (USA)
Rapporteur: C. Oliver (Australia)



  1. Footprints of Alien Technology, BILLINGHAM CUTTING EDGE LECTURE, Paul Davies, Arizona State University, United States
  2. The History of Contact on Earth: Data, Myths, Misconceptions, Kathryn Denning, York University, Canada
  3. SETI and Astrobiology: The Rio Scale and the London Scale, Ivan Almar, Hungarian Astronautical Society (MANT), Hungary
  4. The Disc Quotient: A Post Detection Strategy, John Elliott, Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom
  5. Social Networking: Implications for Post Detection Communications, Carol Oliver, University of New South Wales, Australia
  6. What Should We Say to Extraterrestrial Intelligence? An Analysis of Responses to "Earth Speaks," Douglas Vakoch, SETI Institute and California Institute of Integral Studies, United States
  7. One Kilo Message and Mosaic Earth: Education and Outreach potential of Interstellar Artifact Message Composition Projects, Tibor Pacher, Germany
  8. Societal Statistics by Virtue of the Statistical Drake Equation, Claudio Maccone, International Academy of Astronautics, Italy
  9. Projects for Deep Space and Deep Time Communication, Lowry Burgess, Carnegie Mellon University, United States
  10. The Limits of Metalaw and the Need for Further Elaboration, Adam Korbitz, State Bar of Wisconsin, United States