A4. 37th Symposium on the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence

29 September - 3 October, 2008

SETI I: SETI Science and Technology
Wednesday morning, 1 October 2008, 9:30 hours
Scottish Exhibition and Conference Center, Room Gala 2


Coordinators: C. Maccone (Italy), S Shostak (USA)
Chairs: S. Montebgnoli (Italy), P. Shuch (USA)
Rapporteur: S. Shostak (USA)


Number Title First Author
A4.1.01 Intro to SETI Science and Technology P. Shuch
A4.1.02 Annual Pesek Lecture:
The Allen Telescope Array
W.J. Welch
A4.1.03 First SETI observations with the ATA J. Tarter
A4.1.04 Statistical Drake Equation C. Maccone
A4.1.05 Controversial view of terrestrial and extraterrestrial origins of life B. Tewari
A4.1.06 Microlensing detection of extrasolar planets M. Tabeshian
A4.1.07 withdrawn  
A4.1.08 Efficiency in SETI S. Shostak
A4.1.09 SETI Italia science and technology S. Montebugnoli


SETI II: Interdisciplinary Aspects
Wednesday afternoon, 1 October 2008, 15:00 hours
Scottish Exhibition and Conference Center, Room Gala 2


Coordinators: C. Maccone (Italy), S Shostak (USA)
Chairs: J. Eliott (UK), C. Oliver (Australia)
Rapporteur: A. Ollongren (Netherlands)


Number Title First Author
A4.2.01 Intro to interdisciplinary aspects of SETI D. Vakoch
A4.2.02 Annual Billingham Cutting-Edge Lecture:
Do we interpret SETI terms correctly?
I. Almar
A4.2.03 Unpacking the Great Transmission Debate K. Denning
A4.2.04 Correcting for interdependence of terms in the San Marino Scale P. Shuch
A4.2.05 A post-detection decipherment strategy J. Elliott
A4.2.06 Fantasy documents or guidelines for action? A. Harrison
A4.2.07 ETI: from imagination to reality J. Arnould
A4.2.08 Learning disability as an analog for extraterrestrial intelligence P. Shuch
A4.2.09 withdrawn  
A4.2.10 Large-size message construction for ETI recursivity in Lingua Cosmica A. Ollongren
A4.2.11 What does it mean to be human? D. Vakoch